NestJS Typescript: The Ultimate Guide 2023

nestjs developer

In this code, we create an isAuthenticated class, which implements the NestMiddleware. We get the token from the client in the request headers and verify the token. If the token is valid, the user is granted access to the video routes. This variable is passed to the VideoService class to save the details of the video, while Multer saves the video and coverImage to the disk. Once the record is saved, the created video object is returned to the client with a 201 status code.

nestjs developer

Step 2: Initialize NestJS Project

nestjs developer

For a holistic overview of Nest.js directory structure, check out this article Best Way to Structure Your Directory/Code (NestJS), by Prateek Kathal. It is located on the lowest level, dealing with the database and encapsulating data access details, and providing a friendly access interface for the upper layer. Next, we created a todos array that will contain all our todos that will be created using the create method and retrieved using the findAll method. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a paradigm that organizes software design around data and objects rather than functions and logic. This tutorial will discuss the most important problem that NestJS solves in the backend web development ecosystem → Architecture. Now you have a complete overview of the Nest.js Framework, Let’s dive right into the framework itself.

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  • Are you a developer looking to build robust, scalable, and maintainable web applications?
  • This tutorial will guide you through the basics of NestJS, covering its key features, setup process, and building a simple application.
  • Provides unparalleled flexibility through its meticulously crafted modular architecture.
  • Next, we’ll destructure the isLoggedIn state from the properties and create three React.useState variables for the video, cover image, and title.
  • As you start building applications with NestJS, you’ll dive deeper into more advanced concepts and features.
  • Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) is a programming model for reactive programming (Asynchronous Dataflow Programming) using the building blocks of functional programming.

This simple directory structure can be expanded into a complete project by creating folders and arranging them based on their features. With dependency injection, relationships among various components, controllers, and other application parts are created. NestJS provides very clean and well-documented guides for beginners to build simple to complex applications with the NestJS typescript framework. As a complete web framework with high structure and well-structured architectures, the NestJS typescript framework has great features that make it scalable, testable, and maintainable. When building highly testable, well-structured, and maintainable backend applications using TypeScript, NestJS is the top choice for top organizations. NestJS is a framework built on top of NodeJS and ExpressJS, designed to simplify the development of server-side applications with TypeScript and modern JavaScript.

Connecting Controller and Service

  • Yes, NestJS is designed with a modular architecture, making it an excellent choice for building microservices.
  • The @Schema() decorator will mark a class for the schema definition, and the @SchemaFactory() decorator will generate the schema.
  • Then, we use the formData API to get user input data from the form text fields and send a post request to the backend using axios.
  • NestJS is a robust framework for building efficient, scalable Node.js server-side applications.
  • It combines elements of object-oriented programming, functional programming, and functional reactive programming to provide a robust architecture for building server-side applications.
  • It uses TypeScript by default, providing strong typing and modern JavaScript features, but it also supports pure JavaScript.

We use the MulterModule.register method to configure the file upload to disk in a /public folder. The next step is to create a signin function that will allow users to log in to the application. This includes all initial interactions a user will have with the app, such as sign-in, authentication, and password protection.

nestjs developer

  • Next, we’ll add an onSubmit event to the for component and bind the handleSubmit handler we just created.
  • We will use useNavigation and useParams to get the id of the video that the user wants to stream.
  • Dependency injection in NestJS is handled by the IoC (Inversion of Control) container.
  • In the initial stage of every project, defining a project structure is one of the important steps as it stands as a guide throughout the entire project.
  • Then, we use the formData API to get user Formdata from the text fields and use axios to send a .post request to the backend.

Prepare for an in-depth guided course & walk-through of real-world Advanced Architectural Concepts & Patterns from the Creator Kamil Mysliwiec himself, and Mark Pieszak (Core Team Member). The code above implements a simple CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete) operation using simple JavaScript array manipulations since we are not working with a real database. Next, we have editTodo method which implements the Put method to update or edit the Todo that was already created. We have the create method which implements the Post method for creating a new Todo.

Testing Nest.js framework

But to harness the true potential of Node.js, you need a robust framework, and that’s where Nest.js nestjs developer comes into play. Nest aims to provide an application architecture out of the box which allows for effortless creation of highly testable, scalable, and loosely coupled and easily maintainable applications. However, on the server-side, while there are a lot of superb libraries, helpers, and tools for Node, none of them effectively solve the main problem – the architecture. Next, we’ll loop through the video list in the videos state and display the list to users. We’ll use the link component to create a link to the video stream page, parsing the video in the URL.

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